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- > Learning habit 5: uniform
- Why Dixons
- Our enrichment activities
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- Culture
- Our approach to learning
- Literacy at Dixons Croxteth
- Learning habit 1: homework and deadlines
- Learning habit 2: on task
- Learning habit 3: equipment
- Learning habit 4: punctuality
- Learning habit 5: uniform
- Learning habit 6: positive response
- Morning Meeting
- Powerful feedback
- More time
- Compulsory learning catch up
- Corridors and transitions
- A high performing, nationally recognised academy trust
- Knowledge Organisers
Learning habit 5: uniform
Uniform shows pride in our appearance and pride in being a member of the Dixons Croxteth community. If a child requires a uniform adjustment due to medical reasons, then evidence must be provided. If students breach any part of our uniform code, they will either be given temporary uniform to wear or will be sat in reset until their uniform is perfect. If a student borrows uniform, it must be returned at the end of the school day.
Perfect uniform at Dixons Croxteth means:
Key Stage 3 Uniform Expectations (Year 7, 8 and 9)
- Graphite grey Academy Trutex blazer with Academy logo.
- A white shirt with no coloured garments underneath the shirt.
- An Academy blue and white striped tie with the Academy logo. (blue and white Year 7,8,9)
- A grey or black V-neck jumper with a contrasting V. (optional)
- Black tailored trousers - jeans / tracksuits / leggings / very flared, tight, knee length or trousers which gather at the ankle are not considered appropriate wear.
- Jeans are defined as trousers with patch pockets and rivets. Trousers should not trail on the floor.
- Black knee length box pleated skirt, or students may choose to wear a black knee length pinafore. (specifically shown below).
- Girls can opt to wear plain black shalwar kameez or tunic with a white shirt and with the Academy blazer over the top.
- Hijabs, scarves, turbans, crowns, and top knots, worn for religious reasons, must be plain black and well secured.
- Socks should be plain black, a small bow at the side is permitted. Socks worn with a skirt can be ankle or knee-length but not over the knee. Tights should be black opaque 40 denier or more.
- Shoes must be sensible and entirely plain black with no large badges or logos (for example Vivienne Westwood X Melissa shoes and similar are not acceptable), laces must be fastened and be plain black.
- Heels, boots, and trainers are not acceptable. Students wearing the wrong footwear will be asked to change into Academy footwear.
- No jewellery is allowed, this includes facial jewellery or visible body-piercings. Plasters cannot be worn to cover piercings. Any student wearing jewellery will be asked to instantly remove it and it will be placed in the Academy safe until the end of the day. The only exception to this is where there is a religious expectation, for example the Sikh Kara.
- Smart watches are not allowed.
- Make-up, false eyelashes, lash extensions (classic, volume, Russian, express etc.), nail varnish, false nails (gel nails, shellac, acrylic etc.) are not allowed at any time.
- Hair must be a natural colour and appropriate to a place of work with no unusual styles or colours, shavings, or patterns.
- Students may be asked to tie hair back for health and safety reasons.
- Hair bands should be plain.
- Belts, if worn, should be plain black.
- The students’ school bag should be a plain black backpack big enough to fit in an A4 file so students can carry all their equipment and planner.
- Outdoor jackets, jumpers, cardigans other than Academy uniform, should not be worn at any time inside the Academy.
- Hats, hoods, and caps need to be removed before entering the building.
- The PE kit consists of a Trutex Akoa label black buttoned polo shirt with blue inserts featuring the Academy logo, shorts, and PE socks, in the same design.
Key Stage 4 Uniform Expectations (Year 10 and 11)
- Formal Suit jacket or blazer in choice of plain black, grey, or navy blue.
- White shirt, no coloured garments are to be worn underneath the shirt.
- Academy gold striped tie.
- Jumpers should be black, grey, or navy blue with a v neck to match the suit in a plain solid colour (optional item).
- Black tailored trousers - jeans / tracksuits / leggings / very flared, tight, knee length or trousers which gather at the ankle are not considered appropriate wear.
- Jeans are defined as trousers with patch pockets and rivets.
- Trousers should not trail on the floor.
- Socks should be plain black.
- Shoes must be sensible and entirely plain black with no large badges or logos; laces must be fastened and be plain black. Heels, boots (including Doc Marten boots) and trainers are not acceptable. Students wearing the wrong footwear will be asked to change into Academy footwear.
- No jewellery is allowed, this includes facial jewellery or visible body-piercings. Plasters cannot be worn to cover piercings. Any student wearing jewellery will be asked to instantly remove it and it will be placed in the Academy safe until the end of the day. The only exception to this is where there is a religious expectation, for example the Sikh Kara.
- Smart watches are not allowed.
- Make up, if worn, should be entirely discreet and natural. False eyelashes are not allowed.
- Nail varnish, false nails (gel nails, shellac, acrylic etc.) are not allowed at any time.
- Hair must be a natural colour and appropriate to a place of work with no unusual styles or colours, shavings, or patterns.
- Students may be asked to tie hair back for health and safety reasons.
- Belts, if worn, should be plain black.
- Outdoor jackets, jumpers, cardigans other than Academy uniform, should not be worn at any time inside the Academy.
- Hats, hoods, and caps need to be removed before entering the building.
- The PE kit consists of a Trutex Akoa label black buttoned polo shirt with blue inserts featuring the Academy logo, shorts, and PE socks, in the same design.
Dixons Croxteth Academy uniform suppliers
- Uniform can be purchased from Alpha Schoolwear: Dixons Croxteth Academy – ALPHASCHOOLWEAR
- Brienda Ltd (Alphaschoolwear.com) 74 Muirhead Avenue - 0151 226 3333
- West Derby Schoolwear (Alphaschoolwear.com) 239-241 Eaton Road - 0151 228 7896
Second hand uniform
If you are struggling with the costs of school uniform, or need to purchase some second hand, please contact us or call reception on 0151 332 6780 as we may be able to help you.