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- > Learning habit 3: equipment
- Why Dixons
- Our enrichment activities
- Student experience
- Culture
- Our approach to learning
- Literacy at Dixons Croxteth
- Learning habit 1: homework and deadlines
- Learning habit 2: on task
- Learning habit 3: equipment
- Learning habit 4: punctuality
- Learning habit 5: uniform
- Learning habit 6: positive response
- Morning Meeting
- Powerful feedback
- More time
- Compulsory learning catch up
- Corridors and transitions
- A high performing, nationally recognised academy trust
- Knowledge Organisers
Learning habit 3: equipment
Students who wish to succeed always bring the right equipment to the academy, for the right lessons, each day. We wish to develop our students’ organisational skills for success in future life. For any important role in life, we need the right equipment and students need to make sure they provide it. Stationery is on sale every morning before Morning Meeting so that students can solve issues around lost equipment before lessons begin.
Being fully equipped at Dixons Croxteth means bringing:
1 x black pen
1 x green pen
pencil case